Beautiful writing and beautiful thinking. There is *so much* I want to keep chewing on here, Emily! (As well as to figure out why Tajja's essay isn't landing with me very well.)

Thank you for sharing about your process so generously <3

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I'm still chewing on it myself, tbh! Even with the draft of my book this morning I found myself tussling again... it kind of feels like a living question that's going to morph over time, for me at least?

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oh my goodness: ok, so I don't listen to the Ezra Klein podcast regularly (I find him brilliant but insufferable), but I'm listening to his newest episode, and it's an interview with Zadie Smith, and she is saying SO many incredible things, and weirdly I think they intersect with this very topic / constellation of thought / chewiness. Some of the connections might be subtle or layered, but I think they're there.

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love this idea of a paper jam! going down research rabbit holes is always my favorite

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