“Here I am” for sure. For me, anyway.

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I have been thinking and reading a lot about time lately too. I feel like it plays into my stress over lack of control. It was worse when my son was an infant - as time was literally racing before my eyes, but it’s always there. I would be a terrible Buddhist. As much as I understand impermanence and respect the role death plays in living, I cling to my things and my people. That I could grip them tightly enough to create permanence, as it were. Sending you some hugs and a cup of tea. It sounds like it’s all been a lot.

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Here I Am

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This didn’t need to be a full fledged essay to convey the gems of it. The tomatoes carefully chosen then forgotten was enough. Collage works for me.

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I enjoyed this letter a lot. I think a lot about impermanence, too. (And, I'm also very curious about the friendship app! What's the name of it?) Thanks :)

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