Emily, a tall woman with a braid in her hair, is by the shore of a lake. The sun is going down, and the photo captures her mid-dance, as she gets excited about approaching the water.
If you need long moments with bodies of water to feel like a whole, creative, mostly ok person, you’ll probably like this letter.

This is creative attention, a letter of experiments and possibilities for folks—especially fellow ADHDers and neurodivergent writers, readers, thinkers—who like to leave a wide and messy margin for discovery.

I’m Emily, a writer of essays, poetry, and hybrids of the two. I’m one of those restless people who takes many forms and goes by many names these days: neurodivergent, adhd, neuroqueering, curious, weird, intense, daydreamer. I write near the water in northern Michigan, where Lake Michigan is constantly re-shaping herself, a lot like my own way of being.

My writing appears in The Kenyon Review, Belt Magazine, Writer’s Digest, Nimrod, The Baltimore Review, and elsewhere. I’ve hosted writing circles, workshops, and experimental projects, like the Hummingbird Sessions, since 2015. My first book, Divination with a Human Heart Attached, is out now with Game Over Books.

At this moment in early 2024, I’m: making my home (a little former summer cottage) a year-round, cozy space for dreaming and writing and tinkering. writing essays and playing with different forms of creative nonfiction. experimenting with containers for the words (when is an essay actually a zine? a video? a letter?). thinking about the shape of creative practice. experimenting with where/how my neurodivergence affects my relationship to publishing. calling for a ceasefire. calling for liberation. calling for justice. shifting in deep ways that don’t have words yet (I’ve tried to word some of them), given what this moment with Palestine is teaching me. trying to stay soft. visiting Lake Michigan as much as I can. (re)turning to water, always.

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what ifs / experiments / possibilities from the waters of neurodivergence + creative writing


writer / neurodivergent / words in Kenyon Review, Belt Magazine, Writer's Digest, and elsewhere